
Am I intending to impress or inspire?
Am I taking action?
Am I miscommunicating or communicating at all?
Am I forgetting anything?
Am I being too stubborn to ask for help?
Am I too easily "cowed" by others?
Am I too greedy?
Am I willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want?
Am I willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want?
Am I trying to be all things to all people?
Am I sticking to my schedule?
Am I asking for referrals from everyone?
Am I finishing each conversation?
Am I sure about what matters most?
Am I secure in who I am regardless of my performance?
Am I heading where I want to go in my personal and professional life or am I just wandering aimlessly?
Am I willing to let my fears have more impact and control over my life than my dreams?
Am I taking action or just taking philosophy?
Am I willing to delay smaller reward today so that I can reap a bigger one tomorrow?
Am I playing all out?
Am I playing to win or not to lose?
Am I aware of the needs and wants of those closest to me, and if so, what are they?
Are you someone that crave to be around?
Are you someone that others don't want to have to deal with?
Are you building a highway or digging a ditch?
Are you willing to pay the price?
Are you someone people can count on?
Are you succeeding or are you selling?
Arre you strong and nimble enough?
Are you fit and fast enough to move quickly enough?
Are you a what can I do for you person or a what can you do for me person?
Are you going to panic, work harder, wait it out, or take control?
Are you willing to risk failure to succeed?
Are you making your service different from everybody else in your field?
Are you attracting new customers the hard way?
Are you surrounding yourself with people who add value to what you can be?
Are you able to meet and/or exceed your goals... maximize results... or even multiply your success and earning?
Are you totally devoted to reacting for your highest self?
Are you making your service different from everybody else in your field?
Are you attracting new customers the hard way?
Are you able to meet and/or exceed your goals... maximize results... or even multiply your success and earning?
Can you rise to the next level mentally such that others want to play with you?
Can I see what the future will be like if I continue with this current illusion?
Can you sell a pencil?
Could you be the one?
Did I do everything I possible could to prepare?
Did I do the amount of prospecting I said I would?
Did I make a difference today?
Did I schedule some quiet time today?
Did I keep all my commitments (especially those at home)?
Did I protect my honesty and integrity?
Did I read or learn anything new?
Did I laugh out loud today?
Did I provide emotional support for my family today?
Do I really need to do this?
Do I really believe this?
Do I feel overjoyed?
Do I feel excited and challenged?
Do I truly understand?
Do I really want to grow?
Do I want to do it?
Do you admire and respect what you have done in your life?
Do people want to be like you?
Do I have a business that is worthy of receiving referrals?
Do you know what your prospect needs are?
Do you know what marketing message is missing that could easily make your service more desirable, more appealing, adn even harder for people to say "No"- than "Yes"?
As I live my days, do I curse the darkness or am I person that lights the candle?
At work, do I play victim or victor?
Do I let things get too personal?
Do the people around me honour their word?
Do I honour my word?
Do you know what your prospect needs are?
Does investing in yourself come before success or does success come before investing in you?
Have I developed a strategy in my life and business or am I reactively moving from day to day taking things as they come?
How can we afford it?
How well do you cast a vision of where you are going to those around you?
How will you respond?
How do you utilize all that has been bestowed upon you?
How can I earn from this?
How can I put this to use?
How could I earn one billion dollars?
How much truth do I know?
How many opportunities have I been given?
How do I get myself to take the actions that I know will make me money?
How do I get out of survival mode and start living my true purpose?
How do I stay positive with all the negativity in the world?
How do I eliminate the fear that plagues my mindset?
How do I stop the emotional roller coaster ride and stabilize my emotions?
How much truth did you know?
How many opportunities have been given you?
How do I accomplish this?
How can I be an asset of value to you?
Lord, how do you want me to apply this?
How can we make our customers say wow?
How can it be done?
How do you become more tangible and trusted?
How can I afford this?
How can we turn our yearly income into our monthly income?
How can we turn our monthly income in to our weekly income?
How can I do that?
How can I do in one day what it would normally take one week to do?
How does this relate to my personal situations?
How could following this advice change the outcomes of my situations?
How does this quote relate to my personal situation?
How could following this advice change the outcome of my situations?
How could we as a group be more successful?
How can I simplify?
How has Giving impacted your personal and professional life?
How will you feel at the end of your life if you do not make the changes you know you need to make?
How do I want to be remembered?
And how to deliver your message accordingly?
How could I fill my life with a greater sense of curiosity and wonder?
How did I contribute to the challenges I am currently facing in my life?
How do I want to be promoted?
How would the person I'd like to be do the things I'm about to do?
How did I expand my ability to love while I was alive?
How did you make your first million?
How long did it take you?
How long would it take today?
How long would it take today to mentor somebody to your same level of success?
How can I reduce my experiences by 25% within the next 6 months?
-how do I start?
How can I increase my service today?
How can I improve on what am I doing?
How often do I want to get paid?
How can I raise it?
How has Giving impacted your personal and professional life?
And how to deliver your message accordingly?
How does that make me feel?
How does that make me feel?
How does that make me feel?
How does that make me feel?
How does that make me feel?
How do I become indespensable?
How do you create balance in your life?
How do you stay inspired?
How would I judge my behavior if I wasn't myself?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the quality of...?
On a scale of one to ten being a great month and one being a terrible month how would I rate this past month?
Overall, how am I doing in my business?
If I can only do one thing all day long, what's most important to achieving the goal?
If I can do two things, three things?
If I could do better - should I?
If a teenager asked for your finest advice on life success what would you tell them?
If I could have 5 famous friends, who would they be and why?
If your marketing and selling activities are not converting readers into new, serious, and qualified leads, do you know what should be done to correct that?
If my life stood for one word - what would that word be?
If there was one thing I could change in my life to lift it to its highest level, what would that one thing be?
If I had 30 days left to live what would I do?
If I could be anything at all who would I be, what would I be, where would I be, how would I be, when would I be?
If today was my last day what would I do?
If today was a day off did I rest or was I restless?
If I continue to live, perform and think as I presently do will I be happy in life?
If I could live my life over again what new things would I do?
If I could have only 3 lines written on my tombstone what would that say?
If your marketing and selling activities are not converting readers into new, serious, and qualified leads, do you know what should be done to correct that?
If not, do you know what your marketing message is missing that could easily make your service more desirable, more appealing and even harder for people to say "No" - than "YES"?
If today was my last day - What would I do? Who would I be? What do I want people to remember about me?
If you had one piece of advice for someone who is trying to get ahead, what would you tell them to do?
Is what I am purchasing right now more important than my long term financial freedom?
Is this passive income?
Is my thinking attitude and behavior in line with the character of God and the truth of scripture?
Is resistance, resentment, and regret cluttering up my mindset?
Is this a friendly universe?
Is there some way I can share the load?
Is it worth it?
Is it smooth?
Is your professional life so inspiring that you can't wait to get out of bed each morning to start again?
Is your client list growing or shrinking?
Is this system transferable?
Is this one of God's questions?
Is what I am doing in this moment the best use of my time?
Is this activity drawing me closer to my goals or moving me away from them?
Is what I am doing right now moving me closer to my dreams and goals?
Is what I am doing right now moving me closer towards what is most important to me?
Is this making me money?
Is this saving me money?
Is this reducing my stress?
Is this increasing my energy?
Is there a better method?
Is your business getting you closer to your dreams?
Is your DNA programmed for wealth?
Is there anything I should have asked you but did not?
Is this what you want me to do?Ask God often
Tell me about the path you have taken in business/life to get you where you are today.
Was I a model of excellence at work today?
What is extra ordinary about my business?
What benefits do your tools and skills provide a customer?
What are my top three goals for this year?
What do I have to achieve by the end of this month?
What is the single most important accomplishment of this week?
What is working well that I need to do more of?
What is working not so well that I need to do less of?
What things on my to-do list do I need to delegate?
What things on my to-do list do I need to not do?
What would make it a 10?
What are you trying to teach me?
What happened?
What do I do now?
What situations in my life am I declaring wrong?
What are you resisting?
What are you regretting?
What am I looking forward to?
What are you holding on to that if you let go of you could succeed with ease?
What do you want more of?
What is keeping you stuck?
What is your favourite failure?
What do they need?
What can they afford?
What am I prepared to give up?
What motivates the people I work with?
What would it take for you to up your game to the next level for the next 90 days?
What am I grateful for?
What are my strengths?
What does heaven on earth look and feel like for you?
What can I be appreciative of in the present moment?
What did I learn today?
What did you contribute today?
What did I do with all that was entrusted to me?
What did you do with all that has been entrusted to you?
What kind of person do I have to become to get all that I want?
What am I doing when I am most happy?
What am I doing when I am making the most money?
Lord, what are you saying to me?
Lord, what am I supposed (unfinished, unreadable)
What will you do today to blow someone away by how excellent, innovative, positive and kind you are?
What kind of skills will I have to develop?
What knowledge will I need to gain?
What do you want people to say about your company?
What did I leave behind?
What occupies your time and attention?
What are you best at?
What turf can you defend?
What are you grateful for right now?
What do you hope people say about you when you're not there?
What would you say if the 5 most important people in your life passed away and you were eulogizing them now? Tell them now.
What is important about...?
What did you do today to move closer to your dream?
What do I want my listeners to think?
What will I no longer tolerate?
What is non-negotiable?
What do I want my listeners to feel?
What do I want my listeners to do?
What is your number one concern about selling your home or buying your next home?
What do you need to know about me to make you feel more comfortable with your decision?
What is your mission?
What is your purpose?
What are your values?
What can you do that matters?
What can you do that has a lasting impact?
What won't you stand for?
What are the things that you have been putting off that if you would just get into action on it would change your life forever?
What is the impact to you not taking action?
What is stopping you from playing full out?
What is that you want to accomplish?
What requirements are necessary to accomplish your goal?
What might get in the way of achieving you goal?
What location is associated with your cause?
What is the time frame for your goal?
What is your motivation and/or inspiration?
What are the reasons for, or purposes behind, your goal?
What do I want to become?
What ten things would the person who is best in the world at what you do be doing in a regular basis that you are not currently doing?
What am I doing?
What works?
What does not work?
What action stops could you take today to become a verb in your industry?
What is one source of pain in your life that you want to fix?
What is the seductress in your life?
What is tempting but builds no lasting value?
What did I do today to build my list?
What are you working on?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
What do you enjoy the least about your job?
What is going well?
What is going less well than you would like?
What can I do today that makes it inevitable to grow my list tomorrow?
What don't I see?
What will you regret not doing at the end of your life?
What is the level of your effectiveness as a parent, spouse, friend, and sibling?
In what way can I apply this idea to better produce the outcomes I desire in the future?
What if I make a mistake?
What would my career look like if I spent 100% of my time doing the 1 or 2 that would most advance my career?
What does freedom mean to me?
What are we testing today?
What is the worst possible thing that could happen?
In what way can I apply this idea to better produce the outcomes I desire in the future?
What do you do well?
What do you want to do more of?
What do you want to do less of?
What is the relationship between my principles and my conduct?
What specific incident inspired you to start your business?
What's your crowning achievement?
What is the single biggest mistake you have made along the way?
What *big* idea accelerated your business growth more than any other?
What are your typical business rituals that drive business growth?
Knowing what you know today, what would you have done differently ten years ago to have grown faster?
What is the single best lesson life has taught you?
What does greatness look like in your life?
What are the 5 questions I will ask myself at 55?
What does excellence look like in my life?
What do I love doing?
What would I die for?
What is the most important to me?
What is holding me back?
What action am I most resisting taking in my life at this very moment?
What will I do differently next time?
What will I no longer tolerate in my life?
What has been the most dramatic turning point in my life and how has it served me?
What steps will it take to get this?
What will I do when I get there?
What do I want my life to stand for?
What would I be doing each day if I was truly excellent and the best in the world at what I did?
What is your predictable working outcome?
What am I pretending not to know?
What am I most resisting in my life at this moment?
What is my purpose?
What one thing can I do regularly to lift my life to its highest level?
What am I willing to die for?
What else can I do?
What major lessons have I learned?
What do I want to be an expert on?
What is my exit strategy?
What wisdom did I learn from my life's experiences?
What is the system you used to make it?
What would you recommend I do to become a millionaire?
What is the most important lesson you have learned?
What is working?
What is not working?
What would Jesus do?
What is one pattern I must have in my life to manifest my destiny?
What is the most important thing in my life the thing I love most?
What are the two biggest challenges I am faced with in my life today?
What are two specific things I will do today to overcome the challenges I am currently facing?
What and how would my life change if my yearly income became my monthly income?
What and how would my life change if my yearly income became my monthly income?
-what it would take?
-what kind of person does this?
What do I want people to remember about me?
What activities did I engage in today that moved me closer to my goals and dreams?
What activities did I engage in today that moved me further away from my goals and dreams?
What was my most productive activity today?
What was my most unproductive activity today?
What could I delegate that would improve my productivity or allow me to spend more time in anothe area of my life?
What activities did I participate in that are not in line with my values?
What did I do today that made me feel guilty?
What specifically will I do differently tomorrow that will make me more productive and allow me to be more in line with my values?
What % of the time do I stay on schedule?
What did I do to show my family I love them?
What will I do differently tomorrow?
What future are you creating?
What will be different in my life two years from now if I continue doing what I have always done?
What would I like to accomplish in 2, 3 and 5 years?
What do I value most in life?
What do I want in life and what changes do I need to make in order to get it?
What would have to happen to make my life perfect?
What am I tolerating in my life that is physically and emotionally draining?
What are my fears and are they preventing me from moving in the direction I want to go?
What do I need to stop doing and what do I need to start doing?
What do I need to become better at?
What do I have to do to be an 'A' student?
What one skill if developed would have the greatest positive impact on my business on my life?
What are my goals?
What is my threshold for pain and repetition?
What have been the 5 defining moments of my life and how have they shaped me?
What are the people around me doing to me?
What do the people around me have me reading?
What do the people around me have me saying?
What do the people around me have me going?
What 3 books have had the greatest impact on my life and why?
What decisions from the past are in my present?
What did I accomplish this week?
What did I intend to do but did not complete?
What are the challenges and problems that I am faced with right now that I will overcome?
What are the opportunities available to me right now?
What things do I want to discuss and with whom?
What do I intend to do in the next 7 days?
What should we be doing more of?
What should we be doing less of?
What should we stop doing?
What have I been doing exceptionally well?
What have I not been doing exceptionally well?
What are the things I must do to make sure I achieve the goals I have set? Top 3.
What new systems must I put into place to achieve my goals?
What are the biggest things that will stop me from achieving my goals?
What skills do I need to develop?
What disciplines do I need to develop?
What is my average commission?
What is the most important insight you can offer from your experience and expertise that can be transformational?
What do the people around me have me thinking?
What do the people around me have me becoming?
What was really good about this past month and why?
What was really good about this past month and why?
What did I learn this past month?
What could have I done differently - within my control - to make this past month a better month?
What am I going to do differently next month to make it the best month ever?
What is your conversational environment?
What specifically would I like to learn during my life? Spiritually? Physically? Financially? Technically? Intellectually? About relationships?
What specific incident inspired you to start your business?
What's your crowning achievement?
What's the single biggest mistake you've made along the way?
What *big* idea accelerated your business growth more than any other?
What are the typical business rituals that drive business growth?
Knowing what you know today, what would you have done differently ten years ago to have grown faster?
What am I grateful for?
What about that makes me grateful?
What am I proud of?
What about that makes me proud?
What am I happy and excited about in my life right now?
What about the make me happy and excited?
What am I enjoying in my life?
What about that am I enjoying this?
What am I committed to in my life?
What about that makes me committed?
What are some of the things I will do today and who are some of the people I will serve today that will lead me to where I want to go, who I want to be and what I want to have?
What is the wisest thing for me to do now?
What do others compliment me for?
What does my employer praise me for?
What do my clients come to me for?
What are my friends impressed with?
What do people appreciate about me?
What are the untapped opportunities, overlooked assets, under-performing activities, under-optimized resources, under-utilized relationships?
What would you do differently next time around?
What is something you wish you had tried but never did?
What is the number one thing you attribute your success to?
What is the best financial investment you ever made?
What books are you reading?
What is your favourite book of all time?
What is your best technique for doing the things you need to do on the days you don't feel like doing it?
What mentors have you had in your life?
What inspires you?
What are your hobbies?
What is your passion?
What is the best advice you have given your children?
What do you do to "Think Bigger"?
What's motivating me to do this?
What am I avoiding looking at?
What am I afraid of?
What should I be doing to add value to my business?
What are the facts of the current situation?
What changes should I make?
What needs are not being met in my business now?
What would I do if I had an unlimited budget?
What are the things that I ought to be doing to add the most value to my family and to my business?
What would you ask you if you were me?
What is the lesson that took you the longest to leqrn?
What are some of the challenges you encountered along the way
When you feel stuck do you know how to easily extricate yourself?
When am I going to know I won?
-when do I start?
Where do I (or my business) want to be in five years?
Where can I get that for less?
Where can I decrease expenditures?
Where are we in alignment?
Where would your business be today if all of your past customers were present advocates?
Where has my business been?
Where do I want it to go?
Where am I going?
Where can I do well today?
Where do I see myself in 2, 3 and 5 years?
Where am I focusing my time and energy?
Where have I succeeded this week?
Where have I disappointed this week?
Which one habit can I eliminate right now that's hindering my ability to manifest my destiny?
Who are the 5 most successful agents I know and what are they (question is unfinished, unreadable)
Who can I trust?
Who did I become?
Who are you?
Who am I going to be?
Who matters?
Who never did matter?
Who won't anymore?
Who always will?
Who is already involved in your cause?
Who needs to be involved to help you reach your goal?
Who benefits from you reaching your goal?
Who lives do you wish to affect?
Who should be doing this?
Who will do this the best?
Who is your ideal target market?
Who would you be if you did not know who you were?
Who do you most admire in your life and why?
Who has been my greatest influence?
Who can I talk to today that can help me make more money this week?
Who are my top leads and have I called them exactly when I said I would?
Who am I?
Who or what do I need to put on the back burner?
Who would I be?
Who have been the 3 people who have influenced the way I see the world the most and what lessons have I learned from them?
Who am I around?
Who's your ideal target market?
Who do I love-Who love me?
Who can I talk to today that needs me and can earn me some money this week?
Who am I playing for?
Why not?
Why should you be trusted?
Why do I indulge to the point that I am mastered by temptation?
Why are you doing this?
Why is this not growing?
Why did I make the mistakes I did?
Why am I here?
Why am I going there?
Why should I do business with you versus all other options versus doing nothing versus what I am doing right now?
Why am I playing?
Why did you pick them?
Will you trust God enough to bond the reins over completely to him?
Will this help us to get customers?
Will this help us to keep customers?